
I want to express my appreciation to all of you for the excellent care you gave to Dorothy while she was in your care. I visited my friend Dorothy frequently but usually unannounced, and I always found Sharon giving a high level of care to Dorothy and other residents. Sharon loved the folks in her care as if they were her own grandparents. She cooked, cleaned, and engaged with each resident so selflessly. When Dorothy passed away, Sharon grieved over the loss of this loved one.

Now, my sweet Dad, who resides in Ohio, has Alzheimer’s disease. When the time comes for him to move to a facility to receive more care, I would love to find a home setting exactly like this one. If he lived in Texas, this is where I would choose for him to live because I want only the best for him. The Stewart’s manage the facility with concern for each resident. It is a comfortable place and is kept in tip-top shape. Bless you, for blessing our senior citizens. 

Kathy Ploff

There are many places that open facilities based on grants and money and not for the heart and love of people. It takes people with a special heart and special calling to accept the challenges faced by caring for those who want independently to care for themselves. Golden Splendor is the best place any family or client could possibly choose to care for their loved ones.

Kenneth Andrews and Family